Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Stonehenge, Bath, and Some Shows

On Saturday we went with Anderson Tours to Stonehenge and Bath. Both were very cool. Stonehenge was beautiful. Very tourist-y, but it's one of those things you can't miss out on if you're in England for any length of time. And the weather was perfect. The drive from Stonehenge to Bath was just gorgeous. It was all rolling English countryside and we drove through a couple of small villages. Then Bath was great. We spent a lot of time going through the Roman Baths, which were really cool, I'll post a couple pictures. It's just so amazing to walk through there and realise how long the architecture and the baths have been there, and that people used them. At the end you could drink a glass of the water, which is supposed to be very good for you, but it smelled and tasted awful. It was exactly like the hot springs in Karlovy Vary, in the Czech Republic. After that we didn't have too much time to wander around Bath, which was a bit disappointing. But we did get to walk around for a bit and have lunch. Interesting bit of information our tour guide told us - gas here is six pounds per gallon. That's twelve dollars.

Sunday night we went to the Globe to see King Lear, and paid five pounds to be groundlings like we did for Midsummer. The show was incredible, of course. It was just as good as Midsummer, only very different, because it is a tragedy. The guy who played King Lear was very impressive. That is not an easy role by any stretch of the imagination.

Yesterday Azeema and I went to a fringe theatre (basically just alternative/experimental/new), because our class required us to. But I'm glad we did, and I would love to go to some other fringe theatres. We saw a show called "The City," which was interesting... Overall, it was good, but kind of confusing. It was really cool to see a smaller theatre though, because so far I had only been to the big West End shows or the Globe.

This afternoon I was bored, so I decided to go wander around Oxford Street, which is a huge shopping area. Of course everything was expensive, but I did find a great top that was reasonably priced. Going into a bookstore was depressing, because they are twice as expensive here, but they had a lot more books by British authors. Perhaps I will just look some up some of the ones that caught my eye when I get home...

Tomorrow we have a tour of Parliament. Thursday I'm seeing Lord of the Rings: the Musical (god help me...) and Pygmalion (yes, two shows in one day!) At some point this weekend we're going to celebrate Azeema's last weekend here, then Sunday I leave for Greece!!

Obligatory Stonehenge picture:

Roman Baths:

More Roman Baths: